Thursday, July 25, 2013


 I think back over the last couple of days of what we have been doing. Tuesday we wanted to have a BBQ and we needed groceries so we had to go to the supermarket ASDA where we had a funny experience. Manon Dennis, Mats, Emma and I went  grocery shopping in a big supermarket.  We had the experience of using the self service (fast checkout). There was nothing fast about it. it seemed to take forever,  about a half an hour, the man on duty had to keep coming back to help us. He told me he was on duty till 12 midnight and  I had to laugh and said I will never do this again with a big shop. When I paid the digital computer it said  "thank you for using the fast checkout.". There was a man behind me with 1 bottle of coke. I turned to him and said if you only know how long I have been here and I just started laughing, I  could not stop laughing all the way to the car. It was so crazy. I will never do it again with grocery shopping. We had a lovely BBQ and Mats & Emma made a lovely dessert.

Wednesday the weather was a little overcast so we drove to Exeter a historical city in Devon. We took a boat trip along the Exeter canal and stopped for lunch at The double Locks Inn.

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