Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lilac Cottage

5.30am Friday morning we make our way to the Euro tunnel in Calias France with Family Baauw.
When we arrived at the Euro Tunnel we had to have Molly and Puck checked by the Animal Border Control for England, in Molly's passport they saw that Molly had no date showing when her chip was placed. The lady behind the counter said, "If there is no date for the chip  Molly can not enter England". I phoned the Vet and was given the date 23-5-2006. Problem solved Molly's passport stamped and she may enter England. Next stop border control for us, Sander, Manon & Mats are in the car in front , we were an hour early so we could catch and earlier train. As we approach border control I pulled out the passports I see that Dennis' passport is expired, I was stressing and see Family Baauw drive through & was thinking that we, well Dennis would be not able to enter.  there was nothing I could do,  just had to wait and see what Border Control would say. Dennis was lucky we had a lovely officer that let us go through, wished us a Happy Holiday and told Dennis to get his papers in order. We headed to the train with a big sigh of relief. The train took all of 40 minutes. As we drove out of the tunnel the weather was great warmer than we had expected. We arrived at Higher Brimley, Upper Tracey South Devon at 5.30pm in the afternoon. The house is great set on 3 acres with beautiful gardens and swimming pool. Molly & Puck were enjoying the freedom of running around the gardens and the kids & men were in the pool. 

Manon & I went to the local village to do some shopping. After a weary day of traveling we made salad and hamburgers.  The dogs ran around all evening and the Boys enjoyed the luxury of the spacious gardens to hit a few golf balls. A lovely summer evening in Lilac Cottage.

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